Continually setting new benchmarks
About Ruland
Engineering with experience and creativity
Ruland is an owner-managed engineering expert with approximately 320 employees.
We are specialised in process systems and plants for liquid products: Starting from consulting to engineering and right up to the construction of a completely fully automated production facility, we are able to provide all services to you from a single source. In the process, your success is our benchmark: Quality, productivity, reliability and safety are the most important parameters for us. However, the name Ruland also stands for perfect project management:
We work with a prudent and future thinking approach. And as far as the interfaces are concerned, everything will run smoothly in your systems and plants. In our work, we place considerable emphasis on fairness and transparency. We build on long-term partnerships – not only with our customers, but also with our suppliers, service providers and, above all, our employees. The Head Office of our company is situated in Neustadt at the Weinstraße – in the idyllic wine palatinate. However, with branches throughout Germany as well as our subsidiary companies in Russia and Poland, we are always close to our customers.

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Quality without compromises
Tested quality and optimal processes: We do not do half the job. Stringent audits precede each certification. For Ruland and all of our employees this means excellence, awareness of responsibility and the highest level of motivation for every job and every detail – without any exceptions. We wrote down our policies on quality, environment and work protection. Would you like more? – Please contact us!

Establishment of Ruland Engineering & Consulting GmbH with seven employees. At the end of the year, the company already had a workforce of 47 colleagues supporting a total of 78 projects.

Ruland needed more space: Therefore, we constructed a new assembly hall and other office premises.

The business segment of pipeline construction was added as well as three new locations in Vlotho, Wolmirstedt and Moscow. We also built a new office building along with a new main entrance. The kois also arrived at Ruland: Ten spectacular carps have intrigued our employees and visitors ever since.

A whirlwind swept through the company: The “Whirlwind” technology to push out and clean pipelines is an innovation developed by Ruland – and it was demonstrated in subsequent years that the industry had been waiting for this innovation.

Ruland acquired the engineering business segment of the Döhler Group. This saw Ruland establish its presence in Tychy, Poland with Eugen Blaski as Managing Partner.

A new hall was built for process-related installation and assembly. The installation and assembly hall that was previously there is now being used for the construction of switching cabinets.

Florian Klein became the managing partner and began to lead the company together with Jürgen Kutzer, Bernhard Scheller and Mathias Nauerth.

In our 20 years history, we achieved a lot with our employees, our customers and partners. Please see our history review with some highlights.

Ruland Tychy is expanding its production capacity by 1,300 m² with a new production and storage hall. Occupational safety and optimised production processes are the main focus of the expansion.

Jürgen Schütze and Jens Schumann, two long-standing employees, are appointed to the management of Ruland Engineering & Consulting GmbH.
Our partners
Compliance-compliant behaviour
Trust is the basis
Ruland Engineering & Consulting GmbH adheres to the principle of working together with all employees, business partners and third parties involved in a trusting and open manner. The defined goal in our work and our daily activities is to comply with laws and regulations. If errors occur, we want to uncover and eliminate them.
Our locations
Ruland Engineering & Consulting GmbH
Im Altenschemel 55
67435 Neustadt
Phone +49 6327 382 0
Fax +49 6327 382 499
Subsidiary Vlotho
Valdorfer Straße 100
32602 Vlotho
Phone +49 5733 990 50
Fax +49 5733 99 05 90
Wolmirstedt office
Friedensstraße 56
39326 Wolmirstedt
Phone +49 39201 710 0
Fax +49 39201 710 22
Ruland Engineering & Consulting Sp. z o. o
ul. Podleska 51
43-100 Tychy
Phone +48 32 789 70 00
Fax +48 32 789 70 42
OOO Ruland Engineering & Consulting Moscow
Otkritoye sh. 14, office 2-9
107370 Moscow
Phone +7 495 603 16 17
Fax +7 495 603 16 17
Proiectus Consultoria Ltda.
Av. Jose Polato 330
Limeira-SP, 13484-135
Phone +55 19 981 28 27 43