Whistleblower Reporting Office
Neutral. Anonymous. Data protection compliant.
Ruland Engineering & Consulting GmbH follows the principle of working openly and in a spirit of trust with all employees, business partners and third parties involved. Our defined goal in our work and our daily activities is to observe laws and regulations. Ruland does not tolerate violations, unethical, immoral or even illegal behaviour in the company, neither will reprisals against employees or external third parties who report such misconduct. We take clear and decisive action against such violations.
Reports and information
to your known contact persons or to the reporting office
If you learn of a violation in your daily work, please report it to us. You can do this through all managers and our managing directors. In addition, Ruland Engineering & Consulting has set up a company whistleblower system in accordance with the requirements of the German Whistleblower Protection Act, which accepts confidential reports. Reports can be submitted anonymously or by providing your contact details. Our whistleblowing system ensures that neither employees nor managers of Ruland Engineering & Consulting are informed of your name unless you have expressly agreed to this beforehand. You can reach our internal whistleblowing system via www.rulandec.hinweisgeberportal-mittelstand.de.
Behind this whistleblowing system is a team of experts who assesses your report and gives Ruland direct recommendations for action. Of course, you will receive feedback on your report, the expert assessment and the derived measures via this communication channel. In addition to our internal communication platform, you can also use the official reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice.
Please note that the whistleblower system has been set up for reporting violations of the law and unethical conduct. For general information, complaints or your suggestions, please contact us via our contact form or the contact persons known to you.